Hydrogen Water and Cancer: Exploring Scientific Findings

Hydrogen Water and Cancer: Exploring Scientific Findings

Living with cancer is a challenge like no other. But what if you could make small lifestyle changes to improve your quality of life and treatment efficacy? 

For example, the health benefits of adequate hydration are well-known. And we've recently learned that these benefits can be effortlessly multiplied simply by upgrading the type of water that you drink. 

This article explores a special type of drinking water called hydrogen water and how it might help people with cancer. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of hydrogen water and cancer. Discover how hydrogen water works and why it can be a game-changer for cancer patients. 

What Is Hydrogen Water? 

Hydrogen water (aka hydrogenated water or hydrogen-rich water) refers to regular water with molecular hydrogen gas (H2) added to it. Hydrogen is the lightest naturally occurring chemical element. In the air, it’s present in very small (less than one part per million) concentrations as an odorless, colorless, non-toxic gas. 

In humans, an enzyme called hydrogenase, found in some intestinal bacteria, produces hydrogen. Hydrogen molecules form when these bacteria break down the food (especially carbs) you eat through a digestion process called anaerobic metabolism. These hydrogen molecules then enter your bloodstream and travel throughout your body until the lungs finally exhale them.

Another source of hydrogen molecules is the water you drink. When broken down into atomic components, each water (H2O) molecule consists of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. However, because the hydrogen atoms in a water molecule are in bound form, they’re not easy to absorb from regular drinking water. 

Modern technology has hit upon an effective solution. To make hydrogen more accessible for effective absorption by normal tissues, specially designed apparatuses can now infuse hydrogen gas into drinking water, resulting in the development of hydrogen water.

Scientific Research on Hydrogen Water and Cancer 

study from 1975 was the first to examine the potential anticancer therapeutic effects of hydrogen. This study of mice with squamous cell carcinoma (an extremely common type of malignant skin cancer) reported that cancer cell growth decreased when scientists treated the mice with hydrogen gas.

Since then, science has come a long way. Studies have researched the antitumor effects of hydrogen in many cancer types and various hydrogen therapy delivery modalities, like inhalation, hydrogen-containing saline injections, hydrogen-dissolved water baths, and hydrogenated drinking water.

Hydrogen-rich water, specifically, began to be studied in humans in 2008. Research shows hydrogen water benefits regular people, athletes, and those with challenging health conditions like metabolic syndrome and cancer. Currently, multiple preclinical and clinical studies strongly recommend the use of hydrogen in the treatment of cancer (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10816294/).

Overview of Key Studies 

Hydrogen-enriched water has shown anticancer properties in multiple studies (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10816294/). It works hand-in-hand with anticancer drugs to decrease tumor size, fibrosis, and collagen content while amplifying the protective effects. Furthermore, its therapeutic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects enhance the anticancer activity of hydrogen.

Antioxidant Effects and Inflammation Reduction 

Free oxygen radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) are unstable molecules that circulate in the bloodstream. The body generates them when we breathe in oxygen. They can promote inflammation and chronic disease development. 

Oxidative stress is a major factor in aging, lifestyle-related diseases, and even cancer. Molecular hydrogen enters your blood and fights against these disease-causing cytotoxic oxygen radicals. Thus, it protects your normal cells and organs from oxidative stress and damage caused by these harmful molecules, which indicates antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits in cells in patients. 

For example, hydrogen water reduces oxidative stress and improves cholesterol levels in people with metabolic syndrome. In a study of athletes, drinking hydrogen-rich water before exercise improved muscle function and reduced fatigue by decreasing exercise-induced oxidative stress.

Potential Benefits of Hydrogen Water for Cancer Patients 

Overall, hydrogen in water has shown great potential in supporting cancer treatment, minimizing treatment side effects, and improving quality of life during treatment and the general prognosis. Here are some studies that demonstrate these benefits in greater detail.

Alleviate Treatment Side Effects 

In animal models, hydrogen water has shown promising benefits in ameliorating drug toxicity and side effects, boosting anticancer drug activity, and improving cancer survival rates. However, additional rigorous double-blinded clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings in humans.

In a study of mice with colon cancer, hydrogen water improved the survival rates of the mice by supporting the destruction of cancer cells. It also boosted the therapeutic benefits of anticancer drugs like 5-fluorouracil by enhancing its inhibitory effects on cancer cells. 

Furthermore, high-content hydrogen water showed more antioxidative and anticancer activity than natural hydrogen water. Thus, hydrogen water can play a critical supportive role in the fight against cancer.

In another rat study of hydrogen water and cancer, hydrogen water improved side effects like kidney toxicity caused by an anticancer drug called cisplatin. This potent medication has shown several harmful side effects like oxidative stress, weight loss, and mortality. Consuming hydrogen water reduced them. 

Additionally, hydrogen therapy was effective in protecting against drug toxicity without hampering the anticancer activity of the drug. In an in vitro and vivo study of the effects of hydrogen on lung cancer, hydrogen gas inhibited lung cancer progression. This suggests a potential new treatment for cancer.

Enhance Quality of Life 

Hydrogen water may improve quality of life (QoL) by reducing the side effects of radiation therapy in cancer patients. The most common side effects of radiation treatment include hair loss, nausea, fatigue, headaches, skin issues, and soreness in the treated area. Most of these side effects are related to the oxidative stress and increased inflammation caused by this therapy.

A study assessed 49 people with malignant liver cancer who drank 51 to 68 ounces (or 1,500 to 2,000 ml) of hydrogen water daily for six weeks. The participants had improved QoL scores and decreased radiation-induced oxidative stress compared with people who drank placebo water. In addition, these benefits came without compromising the antitumor effects of the radiation therapy. 

Thus, drinking hydrogen water every day could become a potentially unique therapeutic method for enhancing QoL after exposure to radiation during cancer treatment.

Supercharge Your Water Today 

While research on the therapeutic effects of molecular hydrogen water for cancer patients is still in its early stages, the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor benefits shown so far indicate a promising future for oncology. 

If you found this information useful and feel inspired to give hydrogen water a chance to improve your health and well-being, Piurify offers innovative, cost-effective, and accessible water solutions.  For example, Piurify's Water Hydrogenerator leverages rich hydrogen water generation capabilities, balanced pH levels, and advanced filtration technology to bring you the health benefits of hydrogen water.

Take that next step towards a healthier lifestyle and consider integrating hydrogen water into your daily routine. Contact Piurify today for more information about our ingenious, safe, and effective products for all your hydrogen water needs.

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